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Frequently Asked Questions

Counseling Information

Renton High School's professional School Counselors support the efforts of teachers, staff, parents and other members of the community in promoting the educational, career, personal and social development of students. They each have at least a master’s degree in Education and have multiple years of experience and ongoing education and training.

The Counselors are vested in student success and healthy development through the support services they provide. Counselors guide students toward graduation and success by serving as a strong connection for the many resources within the school district and the numerous community resources available in the Renton area.


The goal of graduation begins in pre-kindergarten and continues through 12th grade. As members of the Renton High School educational team, Counselors are dedicated to helping all students achieve their target of on-time graduation with strong, positive options available to them after graduation. Counselors focus on the following areas:

·         Academic success

·         College and Career Awareness

·         Individual Planning

·         Guidance Curriculum

·         Responsive Services


Your Counselor can also help you with personal problems arising from social, home, or classroom situations.  Please feel free to seek assistance by emailing your individual counselor directly. 





In order to assist students’ focus on academic success, the following minimum credits are suggested for promotion to the next grade level and are considered “on track to graduate.”  Students earning fewer credits should meet with their counselor to determine possible options to graduate on time.


End of 9th grade year: 7.5 (Min 5.5) credits   
End of 10th grade year: 15 (Min 11.0) credits
End of 11th grade year:  22.5 (Min 17.0) credits



To be eligible for graduation, students must meet both district and state credit and testing requirements. Students need 26 credits, English/LA SBA (or state approved alternative), Math SBA (or state approved alternative), WA State History, completed High School & Beyond Plan (Xello), and 20 hours of community service to graduate. If you have questions please see your grade level counselor to determine the course work and state testing requirements for both graduation and to be college and career-ready upon graduation.

NOTE: One trimester course equals 0.5 credits, which is earned for successful completion of trimester course. Students take 5 classes per day and each trimester is 12 weeks long. A student can earn 7.5 credits per school year with this system.


Homework Help

HHC is after-school on Tuesdays and Thursdays in the library from 2pm to 3pm. Come get support on any class from the Academic Coordinators. Learn more about the AAC program here

Community Resources

Department Hours

Monday - Friday

06:45 am - 02:45 pm

(during the regular school year)


For records requests, please use the following:

Tel: (425) 204-3475

Fax: (425) 204-3528

Contact Information

Blaise Pike 

Last names A-Da

(425) 204-3430


Breanna Guillet

Student Last Names De-K

(425) 204-3433


Timothy White

Student Last Names L-Q

(425) 204-3431


Nurryyah Ibrahim 

Department Chair

Student Last Names R-Z

(425) 204-3432


Linda Pappas-Stallman

Counseling Secretary

(425) 204-3475


Amanda Cathcart


McKinney Vento Building Liaison

(425) 204-3434


Schedule an appointment with your counselor