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Canvas Pairing

STEPS 1, 2, 3, & 4

Canvas Pairing 1

Have your student log into  their school Chromebook or go to the RSD portal from the Renton School District webpage. Tap on the Canvas icon. 

  1. Click on the Account button.
  2. Click Settings.
  3. Your student will need to enter a parent email address at + Email Address > then, register email. Parent should go to their email and look for a message from Canvas.
  4. Your student will then need to Pair with Observer > then, a pairing code will be generated.

STEPS 5, 6, 7, & 8

Canvas Pairing 2
  1. An email will be generated to the guardian email. Make sure to click on the "Click here to confirm this registration" link at the bottom of the email. 
  2. You will be taken to a sign in page with your student's User name. They will need to input in their password (their computer password). Then, click Log In.
    • If you don't have an account a Parent Sign up window will open. Fill out required fields. 
  3. Enter the pairing code from step 4.
  4. Click on Start Pairing
    • If you already have a Canvas account log in, go to Dashboard, click on observing and enter your students pairing code.