Class of 2020
Graduation Information for Class of 2020
- Senior Speakers
- Senior Update - May 15, 2020
- Request to Waive Community Service Requirement
- Cap and Gowns
- High School & Beyond Plan
- Class of 2020 FAQs
- Grading System During In-Home Learning
- Career Center
- Graduation Requirements Policy
Senior Speakers
Seniors! It is time to choose 2 senior class speakers.
Plans for the Class of 2020 Graduation Ceremony seem to be changing daily. As of right now, we are planning to have some variation of a virtual graduation ceremony. We will have two separate speakers give their speeches of no longer than 3 minutes each.
- Seniors who would like the opportunity to give a Graduation speech will email their written speeches to,, AND no later than 6PM on Wednesday, May 20, 2020.
- No speeches will be accepted after the 6pm deadline.
- Selected entries from the submitted speeches will be notified and asked to give their speeches orally in Zoom meetings beginning at 10am on Thursday, May 21st.
- Zoom speeches will be recorded.
- Students will be informed on Friday, May 22, if they were chose to speak or not.
- All seniors are invited to prepare a 3 minute graduation speech in order to be considered as one of the two graduation speakers.
- One speech will be given by one student at 2 different times in the program.
- We are looking for well thought out ideas of what graduation means for you as a representative of the graduating class of 2020.
- Traditional themes of graduation speeches with your unique perspective is what we would like.
- Speeches may include one or more of the following:
- You might want to look back at the past four years
- Look forward to the next few years
- Include shout outs
- Include inspirational thoughts
- A little humor, especially in these current times, would be welcomed
Good luck!
Aleta Konkol
Senior Update - May 15, 2020
May 18, 2020
Dear RHS seniors,
This update will address issues and needs pertinent to seniors. Please read it carefully, as there is vital information regarding earning your diploma.
Renton School District is sending out a communication regarding the waiving of credits for the class of 2020, due to the impacts of COVID19 and the closure of public schools for health and safety reasons. This waiver is under the authority of the Renton School District as granted by application to the State Board of Education (SBE) and only applies to the Class of 2020 and those students who were on-track to graduate as of February 29, 2020. (WAC 180-111)
Accepting this waiver may have postsecondary impacts which could include: having to make up the course in college; preparation for majors (e.g. nursing, engineering, and other STEM fields); admission and transfer to out-of-state and graduate and professional schools; employment eligibility.
The credits will show as “waived” on our transcript, allowing you to meet the 22 credit requirements for the class of 2020 graduation. However, there are certain other graduation requirement that cannot be waived. Please read the credit waiver communication in closely for full detail.
If you have not yet, please read Superintendent Pattenaude’s communication regarding the graduation ceremony. RHS still follow up by May 22nd with our school-specific details. It is vital that students are checking their school email, as that is where we will be sending those details.
Senior Speeches:
Plans for the Class of 2020 Graduation Ceremony seem to be changing daily. As of right now, we are planning to have some variation of a virtual graduation ceremony. We will have two separate speakers give their speeches of no longer than 3 minutes each. All seniors are invited to prepare a 3-minute graduation speech in order to be considered as one of the two graduation speakers.
- Seniors who would like the opportunity to give a Graduation speech will email their written speeches to,, AND no later than 6PM on Wednesday, May 20, 2020.
- No speeches will be accepted after the 6 pm deadline.
- Selected entries from the submitted speeches will be notified and asked to give their speeches orally in Zoom meetings beginning at 10 am on Thursday, May 21st.
- Zoom speeches will be recorded.
- Students will be informed on Friday, May 22, if they were chosen to speak or not.
- One speech will be given by one student at 2 different times in the program.
- We are looking for well thought out ideas of what graduation means for you as a representative of the graduating class of 2020. Traditional themes of graduation speeches with your unique perspective is what we would like.
- Speeches may include one or more of the following:
- You might want to look back at the past four years
- Look forward to the next few years
- Include shout outs
- Include inspirational thoughts
- A little humor, especially in these current times, would be welcomed
CANVAS and Hardware issues:
If you are having any issues with uploading your work successfully to Canvas, or if you are having issues with your Chromebook, your hotspot, or other hardware issues preventing you from successfully completing your work please email the following individuals so we can help you out:
- Email your teacher and:
- 9th and 10th graders, CC Ms. Woehr:
- 11th and 12th graders, CC Ms. Konkol:
- IB students please also include Mr. Collie:
Hardware issues:
- Email both:
- Mr. Gochanour:
- Dr. San Martin:
Finally, we are in the works of creating the plan for seniors to turn in their Chromebooks and to receive their diplomas. Hopefully, by now you have been made aware that in order to receive your diploma, all school fines must be paid, any textbooks or equipment borrowed must be returned. While all fines can be paid online at InTouch. We know that students desiring to pay with a check or cash, as well as preferring to return borrowed items rather than pay for them, will need a date and time to do so. To that end, please know we are planning for the in-person fine/equipment return days to happen after June 15th. Again, please check your school email or the website. We will advertise when to come return your borrowed items including the Chromebook with case and charger and pay any outstanding fines well in advanced.
Dr. Giovanna San Martin| Principal
Renton High School |( 425.204.3401 | F 425.204.3412 | 400 S. 2nd Street | Renton, WA 98057 |
“Diversity is being invited to the party. Inclusion is being asked to dance.” –Vernā Myers
Request to Waive Community Service Requirement
In accordance with district Procedure 2414P, the principal or designee will determine waiver of this graduation requirement and will grant waivers when appropriate. Written requests for waivers may also be initiated by the parents/guardians or the student of legal age (18 and over). Requests must be submitted by May 29, 2020.
Request to Waive Form PDF (Download)
Request to Waive Form WORD Copy into an email
Please send this request to the Renton High School Waiver email address:
Community Service Requirement
Students are required to complete 20 hours of community service as part of their high school graduation requirements.
The project may be completed through participation in school activities (e.g., National Honor Society, Key Club, athletic teams, etc.) as well as other acceptable community activities.
- Community service hours are typically completed outside of school time. Additionally, the work must be voluntary in nature and not tied to any class credit or pay.
- It is recommended that the community service be related to the student’s career exploration or to a cause about which the student feels passionate.
- Written requests for waivers shall be addressed to the Principal and will be granted when appropriate, in accordance with Procedure 2414P.
Superintendent’s Certificate of Merit
A Certificate of Merit will be issued to high school students meeting the requirements below. This recognition is designed to honor those students who demonstrate a deep commitment to serving their community by going far above and beyond the graduation requirement for community service. Community service hours may be accumulated annually or throughout the high school career. Students will keep a written log and hours must be verifiable.
- A bronze-level designation on the certificate is earned for completing 80-99 hours of community service.
- A silver-level designation on the certificate is earned for completing 100-119 hours of community service.
- A gold-level designation on the certificate is earned for completing 120+ hours of community service.
Cap and Gowns
- Cap and Gown pickup is still happening on May 7th.
- It is drive-through style. You will not get out of your car.
- If you do not have access to a car, please walk up on S. 2nd St. towards RHS coming from the transit center, indicated in YELLOW on the map. Please wear masks and gloves (if you have them), and have your picture ID. Please pay attention to posted direction and maintain a 6-foot distance when waiting in line.
- Please follow the map to ensure you enter and exit correctly.
- You need to bring your picture ID. Bring your receipt if you have it.
- Picking up for a student who can’t be there? Bring their receipt and your picture ID.
- Please come during your timeslot. We do not want to cause a major traffic jam around RHS.
- Questions about pickup? Please email
- Questions about refunds/purchasing? Please email
High School & Beyond Plan
The High School and Beyond Plan is a State graduation requirement and will not be waived in light of the transition to online learning.
Seniors who have completed this requirement must contact their advisory teacher to get the requirement fulfilled before the due date. Earning a high school diploma is dependent upon getting this requirement completed. Don’t delay, do it today.
Deadline for High School and Beyond Plan has been extended to Friday, May 8. Please contact your home room advisor with completion questions.
Class of 2020 FAQs
Class of 2020 FAQ’s
How do I meet graduation requirements?
See graduation requirements for the Class of 2020.
The basic requirements are:
- 22 total credits in specific areas
- Meeting graduation pathways requirements in ELA and Mathematics
- High School & Beyond Plan
- WA State History requirement
- Community Service (this requirement can be waived by the principal or designee - see request form on your high school website)
Seniors should be working on assignments, activities, or project-based learning projects as outlined by their teachers to earn a letter grade in your classes. Counselors are continuing to reach out to seniors to make personalized plans toward graduation. Seniors are welcome to contact their teachers and counselors if they have any questions about their graduation status.
What does it mean to be on track to graduate? How do I know if I’m on track to graduate?
If you were on track to graduate, you will still graduate this spring. “On-track to graduate” means that you have successfully completed or are enrolled in courses that would allow you to meet state graduation requirements by the end of this year. Counselors will continue to contact seniors who are off track for graduation. Please reach out to your counselor if you have any questions or concerns.
How will I be graded?
Teachers will be grading on a letter grade system of A-D or give an I – Incomplete. Teachers will establish grading rubrics in alignment with their content departments.
What happens if I get an incomplete?
Please work with your counselor to understand how getting an incomplete would affect your ability to graduate and what alternatives there are.
Do I continue Running Start or online courses?
Yes, please continue to take and complete all Running Start and online courses that you had already started before the school closure or began after the school closure.
Is state testing canceled? What if I was planning on taking a state test to meet a graduation requirement?
Yes, state testing has been canceled due to the school closure. In Washington State there are many ways that you can meet the state assessment requirement for graduation. Your school counselor will be connecting with you if you need to meet this requirement to discuss what other options are available.
Can credits be waived for the class of 2020?
The district applied for and was granted the ability to waive credits on an emergency basis. These requests will go through your counselor at a later date and if granted will show up on your transcript as “waived”. While credits may be waived, graduation pathway requirements cannot.
I was planning to take the World Language Credit by Proficiency exam. Will this be rescheduled? What about the Seal of Biliteracy?
World Language exams will not be held this spring. Seniors should check with their counselors if they believe they need World Language credit for graduation or college entrance purposes as many colleges have indicated they are relaxing their entrance requirement rules this spring. Students who have earned the Seal of Biliteracy will still receive it on their diploma.
What if I was planning on taking a state assessment to meet a graduation requirement?
In Washington state there are many ways that you can meet the state assessment requirements for graduation. Your school counselor will be connecting with you if you need to meet this requirement to discuss what other options are available.
I am taking Bridge to College so that I can meet my math/ELA requirement for graduation. Will I still earn credit for this course?
Yes, if you receive an A-D letter grade. We are working to ensure that all students enrolled in Bridge to College classes will earn the credit they need to fulfill this requirement. Please check your email and be in touch with your teacher about what will be required. Students still need a ‘B’ or above to be eligible for the college placement agreement for College Composition and/or specified entry-level college math courses at participating Washington institutions of higher education.
Is AP testing happening?
Yes. AP test(s) will be taken remotely. This information is being updated on the College Board website. Your AP teacher will continue to reach out to you through email and will share information as it is available. Please also see the College Board website for more information by following this link here:
What is happening with IB testing?
IB tests have been canceled. Grades and credits received this year will carry the same value as they have in the past. You will be submitting coursework to your teachers; they will connect with you directly.
Grading System During In-Home Learning
High School Grading
High school students and middle school students earning high school credits (e.g., Algebra, Geometry, Spanish I) will be graded in the following manner for the third trimester of the 2019-2020 school year:
- Letter Grades (A through D):
- Students will complete assignments, activities, and assessments.At the end of the course, students will receive a traditional letter grade on their high school transcript.
- Attendance will not be a factor when determining student grades.
- If students are unable to complete enough work for the course to earn a letter grade in accordance with the teacher’s grading practice, then the student will earn an Incomplete (I) on their transcript.
- Incomplete (I):
- The Incomplete will be converted to a letter grade by one of the following: contract with the teacher to establish assignments or assessments which must be completed by an agreed upon timeline; taking the course in the following year; completing an online course.
- Students who did not engage in the class at all via remote learning shall retake the class or complete the class as online credit recovery.
- We will establish further guidelines on the conversion of incompletes to letter grades A-D.
For students with grading accommodations in Individual Education Plans (IEPs), pass/fail will require a change in the Continuous Learning Plan (CLP) from pass/fail to pass/incomplete. IEP case managers will contact families to reflect this change.
Another consideration during this time is access and resources for students and families. It is not our intention to have students penalized for inability to access online coursework. While we have been able to provide Chromebooks and hot spots to many, we realize that an increased demand for technology supports is likely. We will continue to contact families, particularly those of students who haven’t yet engaged, to identify and remove barriers to access. I also encourage you to alert school personnel if your student’s access to learning has been interrupted.
Should you have any questions regarding grades, please contact your child’s principal.
Career Center
Renton High School Career Center Specialist is Nichola Fulmer. To access Career Center resources please visit the Career Center website or email Nichola Fulmer, Monday-Friday 7 am-3:30 pm.
Graduation Requirements Policy
2020 Graduation Ceremony
- Class of 2020 Drive Through Graduation
- Class of 2020 Yard SIgn Delivery
- Gradation Ceremony Update, May 27, 2020
Class of 2020 Drive Through Graduation
Class of 2020 Yard SIgn Delivery
Gradation Ceremony Update, May 27, 2020
Wednesday, May 27, 2020—Today, Governor Jay Inslee announced that he does not believe that all counties, including King County, will move to Phase II of the state’s Safe Start recovery plan by June 1, and will remain in Phase I as several important areas—disease activity, testing, and healthcare system status—have yet to meet guidelines laid out in the plan.
The announcement means King County, along with others, cannot safely reopen businesses and resume travel, shopping, recreation, and gatherings (some restrictions were lifted for houses of worship). The decision also impacts our plans for celebrating the Class of 2020.
Earlier this month, we created two plans for graduation celebrations for the Class of 2020. As Phase I does not allow any in person activity (including the graduation walk we planned in Option 1) we will move to Option 2 and create a virtual graduation by videotaping parts of the ceremony and including a slideshow of graduating seniors (senior photos will be used in this slideshow). This virtual graduation ceremony will premiere on the district’s YouTube page on Monday, June 15.
Additionally, high schools are planning a graduation event between June 1-5 that will provide students who have met graduation requirements an opportunity to pick-up their diploma cover, while in cap and gown, in a vehicle procession in the school’s parking lot. Students and families are being provided details of this plan by school staff.