12 Outstanding Seniors
Introduction from Dr. San Martin
Board President Teal, Members of the Board, Superintendent Pattenaude, RHS community, it is a privilege to introduce to you the RHS 12 “Outstanding Seniors” for the Graduating Class of 2020. As our new reality sinks in, and sadly stop us from enjoying this lovely tradition at the customary April Board meeting, I see no reason to not celebrate our most remarkable students virtually. The following presentation gives us the opportunity to celebrate and present the students' hard work and success, while still maintaining social distancing amid the Coronavirus pandemic.
These 12 students represent the best of RHS regarding scholastics, activities, sports, and community engagement. But they also represent the dedication to excellence that the RHS community exhibits daily. We know that forming remarkable students is not the product of individual heroics, but a group’s effort that pays attention to detail and empowers students to act to the best of their capabilities. These outstanding seniors are the result of a highly collaborative partnership between their families, their school personnel, and their community that tells students what they need to hear and not what they want to hear. Together, we have real magic. Together, we feel pride for their accomplishments. And today, within these very taxing times, we honor a job well done. Please join me in giving a round of applause for those parents, family members, friends, teachers, and staff that contributed to the success of these terrific students.
Be ready to be impressed. Let’s meet them!