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Class of 2021

This section is where you will find everything relevant for Seniors, including important graduation information. Updates to come will be 12 Outstanding Seniors, Renton Rotary Scholars, moving up assembly, and more. Check back often for updated information!

Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter for the most up-to-date news!

Livestream Renton High Commencement A (June 18, 9:00am)

Livestream Renton High Commencement B (June 18, 12:00pm)

Graduation Tickets

  • Hometown Ticketing will be used. Two ticket codes (two seats per code) for a total of four seats per graduate, will be issued to schools by 6/1/2021 for distribution to students after the 6/15/2021 senior checkout.
  • An ADA code will need to be requested for those needing special services and will be issued accordingly.  This is primarily for those needing special seating for a wheel chair or sign language etc. Please email your ADA Code request to Upon notification, students will be issued one code that is good for four (4) seats.
  • It is presumed that most spectators will use phones to show QR code for entry, however schools can also assist spectators in selecting seats and print the QR code for individuals that need it
  • Once all graduation requirements have been met and verified, each student will be provided two ticket codes to “purchase” FOUR tickets. Graduates will receive two codes that are good for two seats each.  Graduates can choose four seats together or two seats together in one location and 2 seats in another location.

2021 Graduation Tickets

Senior Checkout Day (6/15): Form and Plan

Seniors, below is the form that you must complete on Senior Checkout day, Tuesday June 15th, in order to receive your graduation ceremony ticket codes.  All In-Person students will get a copy of this form in 1st period.  All remote students should print a copy if they can do so beforehand.  If unable, copies will be available at the entryway.  Before beginning checkout, please complete the Student Information Section and have your Senior Survey done.

On the second page you will see a map of the checkout process.

To maintain safety of all individuals at the Senior Checkout Process, please know that the capacity of the Commons is limited to 50 individuals.  To ensure safety, In-Person students will be called down in small groups to the Commons every 30 minutes between 8:00 am and 12:00 pm.  Do not come down until your last name alphabet range is called.  All remote students should arrive to the IPAC doors for checkout anytime between 8:00 am and 2:30 pm. The capacity of the commons is limited to 50 individuals, so please be aware that if you arrive during a rush of the students, you may have to wait in line outside the IPAC until there is room in the Commons.  Also, the staff will be taking a lunch break from 11:00 to 11:30, so remote students should avoid coming to RHS at this time.

Form can be downloaded here.

Grad Guide - Updated 5/25/2021

Dear Class of 2021 Seniors,

Below you will find the Grad Guide.  In it you will find all the details regarding graduation this year.  Yes, there are some details that are still pending, but know that once we have the information, we will email it out to your school email, so please check your school email frequently.

Download Grad Guide here

Map of parking instructions:

Renton Stadium Parking Map

Check out the video below regarding graduation, made by our counseling department head, Ms. Wetzel.

Grad Guide Video

Senior Timeline

See Grad Guide for more details on each event below.

Thursday, May 6 – 28

  • Pay Fines and Obligations
  • ASB/Athletic and Library/General Fines
  • Return any RHS property.

Friday, May 21

  • Last Day to accept personal checks for fines, etc.
  • Senior Surveys are due.

Friday, June 11

  • Last day to turn in any missing/makeup assignments.

Friday, June 15

  • Four (4) Commencement tickets will be distributed if all requirements are met.

Tuesday, June 15

  • Senior Checkout Day.

Wednesday, June 16

  • Finals will occur by this time.

Thursday, June 17

  • Commencement Rehearsal.
  • Moving Up Assembly/Senior Slide Show.

Friday, June 18

  • Commencement Exercises.
  • Arrive at Renton Memorial Stadium by 8: 00 a.m. or 11:00 a.m.  All seniors are to be dressed and ready for final instructions by 8:15 am or 11:15 a.m.
  • Last day to accept Class of 2021 End of Year Survey

Thursday, June 29 – Tuesday, July 1

  • Diplomas will be distributed starting on Thursday, June 29 to Tuesday, July 1, from 8:30 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. in the Main Office at RHS.

Transcript Request Form

Seniors wishing to have their final transcript sent to a college or other institution must download and fill out the below request form. All requests should be emailed to no later than June 17th.

Download form here.

Cap and Gown Information

If you have any questions about Caps and Gowns email Louis Bremond or call National Achiever at (425) 357-1338. They also have a support line at Renton High School does not handle, have order information, or take payments for Caps and Gowns. National Achiever is our supplier for Caps and Gowns and is solely responsible for your graduation products. National Achiever will be at RHS April 30, 2021 from 10a - 1p for Cap and Gown distribution.

Order Caps and Gowns.

¡Atención, Clase de Estudiantes de Último Grado de 2021! Puede venir a recoger su toga y birrete, y cualquier otro artículo comprado en National Achiever el 30 de Abril de 10 am a 1 pm. Venga al estacionamiento de estudiantes de la Escuela Preparatoria Renton. Use un cubrebocas y siga las instrucciones del personal de National Achiever. ¿Preguntas sobre lo que todavía puede comprar? Por favor comuníquese con National Achiever:

National Achiever Class Video


Q. How do I submit my senior photos for the yearbook?

A. Enter our school code of Renton2021 on the yearbook website. Complete the form and update your contact information. Choose portrait, then upload your photo. Email Ms. Soule with any comments or questions!

Q. I have a question about IB testing!

A. Please contact Mr. Collie for anything related to IB. This includes IB exams, IB diplomas, IB certificates, IB fees, and more.

Q. What can I do about IB fees?

A. IB offers reduced fees for families in need. Please fill out the Free and Reduced Lunch Form to see if you qualify. The form is available via Skyward and as an online form. You can also contact Mr. Collie for any other questions.

Q. Are we returning to school this year?  

A. We don't know, as of now.  It depends on King County and the COVID Matrix which determines that.  It must be < 25/100,000 as an average over a 14-day period before this will be considered.  

Q.  What do I do if I am struggling mentally or emotionally? 

A.  Contact your counselor.  They can give you a referral to our HealthPoint Clinic.

Q. Can I take the STAMP test this year?  

A. Yes, you can take this test which gives you credit for any foreign language you speak, read, and/or write. Contact your counselor ASAP to sign up. 

Q. What if I need help with my college applications? 

A. Please contact Ms. Fulmer for any college application and FAFSA/WASFA questions.

Q. Do we have to take the SBA test this year?

A. Currently, we do not have information about testing occurring this year.  It is dependent on being able to safely return to campus in person for proctored tests.  We will send emailed updates as we get them, and also post the information on this page.

Q. Do we have to take the SAT test if we are going to a 4-year school?

A. No, most schools are waiving the need for SAT test scores this year.

Q. How do I get a copy of my transcript? 

A. Students can request an unofficial copy of their transcript from Mrs. Pappas-Stallman in the counseling office by filling out a transcript request form.

Q. What about my diploma?

A. Please confirm your legal name with the counseling office as soon as possible in order to confirm the correct name will go on your diploma. Anyone in the counseling office will be able to help you.
