Community News
2021-22 School Year Updates
- February Update
- Family and Student Update - January 19, 2022
- Holiday Family Letter - December 17, 2021
- Family and Student Update - November 16, 2021
- Family and Student Update - October 22, 2021
- Homecoming Week - October 12, 2021
- Family and Student Update - October 4, 2021
- Family and Student Update - September 20, 2021
- Family and Student Update - August 22, 2021
February Update
Family and Student Update - January 19, 2022
January 19, 2022
Dear Students and Families,
Student voice is important here at Renton High School. It helps our staff, and me personally as a school leader, ensure the well-being and safety of our students, to address matters of concern for students, and helps us all to stay focused on ensuring all students graduate on time and with choices for their future.
We recognize that social media is a valuable way to share ideas and connect with others. We also know that social media is a place where issues can be conflated or provide only one perspective of a situation. Here at Renton High, we have a process to engage students in face-to-face dialogue and provide a direct line where students are heard, issues are addressed, and our students see themselves as active participants in their education, and ultimately, their future.
Strategies to Further Student Voice
Education is a powerful tool for creating change. When a teacher or staff engages in conversations with students in and out of the classroom about differences and racism, adults must be prepared and put best and safe practices in place.
Please note that student-led ideas and the RHS staff will complement the activities currently in place with additional strategies. Initially, these include the following components:
- Continue with Restorative Practices training for the RHS Staff. The RHS staff has received Restorative Practices training for the past two years. This training focuses on Anchored SEL (Social Emotional Learning), founded upon the principles of joy, connection, and trauma-informed practices. The learning aims to process how we show up for ourselves, our students, and colleagues impact our ability to experience joy and genuine connection, how do we show up for our students on the days we feel challenged to show up for ourselves, and how does our social and emotional fluency level impact our professional decisions and relationships.
- Adding specific training for teachers and staff on conducting safe conversations. These presentations will cover understanding the impact of unintended harm, modeling constructive feedback on racist speech and behavior, and being aware of students’ racial, gender, disability, or other traumas. Therefore, this will incorporate individual presentation/ courses that address how to eliminate any forms of microaggressions OR insensitive remarks as we continue to infuse culturally responsive and relevant practices into everyday interactions.
- Continue with the RedHawks Principal-Student Committee. This committee works as a diverse group of students providing feedback and developing improvement plans to all necessary areas of the school’s management. We have had three meetings this school year, and the student group is up to 36 students.
- Re-actualize and train the ASB officer roles as an admin advisory committee. Before the pandemic, the Admin team worked closely with the ASB officers, leadership classes, and the lead teacher to serve as a hub for students to process school-wide requests or concerns. ASB officers and students were trained to serve as a liaison for other students’ concerns, conceptualize them, to meet semi-monthly with Leadership to advise and to offer school-wide recommended changes, and to engage in collaboration or student-led options. They also run Awareness Weeks on issues vital to them that foster a sense of identity and self-purpose.
- Develop and provide student lessons that teach dialogue. Dialogue encourages us to see each other as humans first. The purpose of dialogue is to provide a mutual understanding allowing for multiple representations of the truth. Dialogues will enable us to speak our truths and share our personal stories, which can be powerful. The learning behind the concerns calls for dialogue and listening.
Learning to live together is crucial today, and we need to help young people develop mindsets and skills to apply and seek solutions to challenging situations. These lessons will teach students to understand the value of dialogue compared to debate; to see models of disagreement that don’t end with a winner or an anonymous post; and practice expressive skills that promote healthy, robust dialogue. The goal will be for students to begin to see that with each conversation, each shift in our beliefs, each action for progress, we take a step toward a more racially just tomorrow.
We will continue bringing best practices that result in positive change, approaches that emphasize and respond to the needs of our biggest asset and strength, RHS’s diversity. We will continue to strive for our children to see themselves in the classroom and feel connected to the perspectives being learned. The value that we want to teach to all students, is that each of them needs to be seen, heard and appreciated! (This phrase may make an excellent theme for ongoing work.)
I will update you each month on our training progress in achieving all the above commitments and add those pieces reflecting the solutions provided by our students and staff. Ideas from families and any resources are welcomed. Please email me directly.
Dr. Giovanna San Martin, RHS Principal
Information, Updates and Upcoming Events
We cordially invite you to attend the Parent-Teacher Virtual Conference on Thursday, January 27th, 2022, to be held virtually. Conferences are an opportunity for you to learn about your child’s academic, behavioral, and social well-being and clarify any related questions or concerns about his/her grades.
Parent-Teacher Conferences will start at 5:30 pm and end at 8:00 pm.
To join a Zoom, please visit and find your student’s teacher(s), which are sorted by last name. You will enter a waiting room, and teachers will select one meeting at a time. Please use your student’s full name as your display name.
- Consultation time is limited to 5-8 minutes per teacher.
- We will offer interpreters for Somali, Spanish, and Vietnamese if needed.
In the event you cannot join our conferences, we have included a link for the teachers email where you can get in touch with any of your student's teachers. We hope to see you all virtually!
Processing a Concern
Student concerns are prioritized and addressed promptly with care and neutrality. Personnel matters are processed internally and follow Board Policy and HR guidance.
As students move forward a concern, and before investigations are processed, students are told that there are three possibilities or outcomes, the description of the experience is accurate, the report of the experience is inconclusive, or at times, the experience may be found to be out of the context they saw it or was not accurate. This information is provided to understand our neutral position and to advise them of potential outcomes. Regardless of the conclusions of a case, we see the necessity to actively embed a new component in our process that includes restorative conversations to help repair trust and any harm felt and/or experienced.
IB Presentations: Learn More About International Baccalaureate (IB) at RHS
IB is an internationally recognized college and career prep program that is open to all 11th and 12th grade students at RHS. It emphasizes the development of the whole student as an independent learner, critical thinker, and global citizen. IB is highly regarded for college admissions and can help students earn college credits and scholarships. Students can participate in the IB program as a full IB Diploma student, by taking individual IB classes, and from 2022 as an IB Career Program student.
Our IB Coordinator, Mr. Collie, will be hosting two information sessions via Zoom on Thursday, January 20th, 2022. The first will start at 4 PM and the second at 7 PM to give families a greater opportunity to get the information at a time that works for them. The Zoom link is . You can contact Mr. Collie at to RSVP or if you have questions in advance.
Latinx Family Night Flyer and Info-Reunion Virtual para Familias Latinas
El flyer fue enviado a todas las familias que escogieron español en la forma de registro.
EL 26 DE ENERO 2022*
- Reciba información sobre ayuda financiera para pagar la universidad total o parcialmente, documentados o indocumentados
- Comuníquese directamente con la administración y staff de Renton High School
- Establezca confianza y relaciones sólidas
23 de febrero
30 de marzo
Por favor, conéctese a nuestro evento en línea para familias latinas. Puede recibir información sobre ayuda financiera para la universidad y comunicarse con el staff de Renton High School. Si tiene preguntas, por favor, mande correo a ¡Los esperamos allí!
Community Service Hours are due to your counselor before April 1, 2022.
Spring regular season sports begin February 28 and run through May 28. Sports included: Boys – Baseball, Soccer, Track; Girls – Tennis, Softball, Golf and Track. Interested athletes must register on line with FamilyID: Please remember that physicals are good for two years. However, if your physical has expired or will expire prior to the beginning of spring season or at any time during the spring season including post season tournaments, you must get a new physical in order to participate in any spring sport. Due to Covid, physicals are taking a little longer than usual. We recommend that if you know you will need a physical, schedule your physical now with your primary doctor so you are able to attend practice on the very first day.
ORCA Cards
All students are able to receive a FREE ORCA card this year. If you have not yet received your card, you can get one from the front office.
Updated Department of Health (DOH) Guidance
Public Health – Seattle & King County has updated its isolation and quarantine recommendations to align with DOH guidance. The following guidance now applies to school districts in King County:
- Quarantine guidance (for close contacts of someone who tested positive for COVID)--
- Students, teachers, and staff who come into close contact with someone with COVID-19, and are asymptomatic, do not need to quarantine if they are in any one of the following groups:
- Ages 18+ who have received the vaccine plus booster, and additional primary shots for some immunocompromised people
- Ages 5-17 years and completed the primary series of COVID-19 vaccines
- Had confirmed COVID-19 within the last 90 days
- Everyone else needs to quarantine for 5 days after contact (last day of contact = day 0). If no symptoms develop, the person may return to school with a negative test result taken, no sooner than day 5 post-exposure.
- Negative test results may come from school, a health care provider, a community testing location or a home test.
- Students, teachers, and staff who come into close contact with someone with COVID-19, and are asymptomatic, do not need to quarantine if they are in any one of the following groups:
- Test results may be an original, a copy or a photo of the document that shows: first and last name of the individual, type of test performed, date specimen was collected, and the negative result.
- If an individual is not tested, they will quarantine for 10 days.
Isolation guidance (for COVID positive)--
- No symptoms: isolate for 5 days (test collection date = day 0)
- With symptoms: end isolation after 24 hours without fever, without fever-reducing medication, and improvement in other symptoms, no sooner than 5 days after positive test (onset of symptoms = day 0)
COVID Testing
Every school has both rapid antigen tests and PCR tests to provide COVID tests to students and staff who are symptomatic or are close contacts and are on site at a school. Additionally, we continue to test our student athletes following the guidance from WIAA.
COVID Notifications
We will continue to notify individuals who are identified as close contacts. According to the new DOH guidance, if students are seated at least 3 feet apart and consistently and correctly wearing masks in a classroom setting, they are not considered close contacts. We will no longer send school-wide updates via email to families regarding cases at a school. Instead, this information will be displayed on the district COVID Dashboard. We will, however, send regular updates to staff with aggregate numbers of positive cases.
COVID Vaccination Clinics
We have partnered with the Renton Regional Fire Authority to provide eligible students, families, and staff another opportunity to receive the COVID vaccination. All clinics will offer the Pfizer vaccination, which is fully FDA approved, free of charge, to those 12 and older.
- Dates and vaccination offered:
- Sat. 1/22/2022 - Pfizer booster, Pfizer first dose (second dose on 2/12)
- Sat. 2/12/2022 - Pfizer booster, Pfizer second dose (first dose on 1/22)
- Location: Renton High School cafeteria, 400 S 2nd St, Renton
- Time: 10 am to 2 pm
- Registration is required. Please use the registration link to schedule an appointment.
COVID Testing & Athletics
Athletics testing has not changed. High-contact indoor sports (basketball, wrestling, cheer/drill) must continue to test three (3) times a week for the duration of the season.
Athletics Mask Policy
Mask are required at all times for coaches, trainers, team managers, spectators, and athletes that are not actively participating in competition (bench, locker room, hallways, etc.).
Mask are required at all times for coaches, trainers, team managers, and all student-athletes during practice.
Athletics Spectator Policy
Effective January 17th, 2022 – the Renton School District is not allowing visiting spectators for the remainder of the regular winter season. It is unlikely that we will limit spectators for post-season play, but it is in discussion. A final decision will be given next week, stay tuned.
Latest and Archived Newsletters
Want to find the latest Family newsletter or a Family Newsletter from a previous month: Click here: Once you get to the NEWS page, scroll to the bottom for previous Family and Student updates in red by month.
Have a question that you want the answer to but may not know who to ask? Click on the following link located under Contact Us: Then fill in the required boxes under “ASK A Question” in either English or Spanish and click the “Submit” button. We will respond to your question as soon as possible
Holiday Family Letter - December 17, 2021
Happy Holidays, Dear RHS Families, Students, and Staff
The season offers us a chance to say “thank you” to the entire school community for all of the support that you provide to our students, our families, and our staff.
To our families, I want to acknowledge your efforts to raise loving, compassionate, and talented children. You accomplish this labor with passion, love, commitment, patience, and a willingness to make decisions that may be hard in the present but will have a positive and lasting influence in the future for all. You anticipate the challenges, cherish them with what they need and more, and protect them with energy while keeping their world as healthy, warm and secure as it is possible.
To our staff, as we end 2021, I am thankful for the RHS community staying together as a true community family to celebrate and support each other, never losing sight of our purpose, the children. At this time, I want to commend you for all that you have done and all that you will continue to do in the coming year. While the New Year will bring challenges and opportunities, our bonding grows more robust. I am proud of leading a community that values our similarities and differences. You are the heart of RHS.
To our beautiful and resilient students, I believe your faces best express the true meaning of this holiday season. You radiate a sense of unrestrained enthusiasm, untainted hope and dreams, delightful and unabashed joy for life, excitement, and the opportunities that await you. When we look at you, the spirit of this holiday season comes alive. It surrounds us with nostalgia, hope, and the refreshing desire to do better and prepare you to develop into the amazing person you will become.
From the living room to the classroom to the neighborhood, you accomplish the job together. I want to extend my appreciation to all of you for everything you do for our school.
Our school community has worked selflessly to make a positive difference for families in need, and I would be remiss if I did not commend the staff for the joy they have brought to those who need the most help. The Adopt A Family Program and other beautiful student recognition programs as the Matter of the Heart, the impact you have made in the lives of our students or many others during the holiday season, has been truly touching. I am so very proud of every one of you!
I hope you all have a joyous and memorable holiday season with plenty of time to enjoy family and friendships, and for a little “me time”; why not. 😊
The RHS Staff wishes all for a holiday filled with great fun and good friends.
Have a safe holiday break. Happy New Year.
Dr. Giovanna San Martin
This year marked the 13th Annual RHS Matter of the Heart (MOH) Student and Staff Celebration! During this time of year, all Renton staff are invited to nominate a student who has stood out for one or more many outstanding reasons, including but not limited to: their participation, perseverance, compassion, empathy, resiliency, empathy and dedication, in being part of an all-around amazing RHS student body. In turn, our students nominate teachers for the Staff MOH award, and explain why they think it is deserved. This year, students received a medal, a certificate, a yard sign, a treat, a rose, and an opportunity to get a photo with the staff member who nominated them. The 2021 - 2022 school year has been difficult, but our MOH awards remind us all that we are all in this together, and that we appreciate each other so much. We are beyond grateful for our staff and students who continue to warm our hearts! Please see the attached PowerPoint presentation and help us celebrate our 2021 nominees.
Cherishing as ever, the Renton High School’s 8th annual Adopt a Family Program coordinated by our Dept. Chair of Counseling, Ms. Crystal Wetzel, took place this week. The need to buy gifts for needy families this year superseded any year prior. RHS staff, RSD personnel, families, friends, churches, and people in the community all worked together to donate hundreds of gifts for students and families. In all, 134 donors purchased gifts to help create peace, joy, and hope for 25 families & 72 kids. Some gifts just stood out and tugged at your heart strings. One was a bike for a 6-year-old boy living in a local shelter. Another was a bed for a 14-year-old girl who has been sleeping on the floor for as long as she can remember. Donors rallied together and generously gave dozens of new coats, boots, gloves, blankets, toys, and many more things that were listed on each child’s needs/wants list. Amid a pandemic, RHS staff and the community worked tirelessly to help these families. What’s evident is that RHS is a special place, and we holistically care about our students and families during these challenging times. RHS will always ignite their light. That holiday light moves us forward and will eventually help us come out stronger from our present experiences.
General RHS Updates
Winter Break
Winter Break runs December 18 2021, through January 2, 2022. See you in classes on January 3, 2022!
ORCA Cards
All students are able to receive a FREE ORCA card this year. If you have not yet received your card, you can get one from the front office.
Student Survey
If you have not already done so, please take this survey for our Gear Up Program: Gear Up survey:
Learn more about International Baccalaureate (IB) at Renton High School
IB is an internationally recognized college and career prep program that is open to all 11th and 12th grade students at RHS. It emphasizes the development of the whole student as an independent learner, critical thinker, and global citizen. IB is highly regarded for college admissions and can help students earn college credits and scholarships. Students can participate in the IB program as a full IB Diploma student, by taking individual IB classes, and from 2022 as an IB Career Program student.
Our IB Coordinator, Mr. Collie, will be hosting two information sessions via Zoom on Thursday, January 20th, 2022. The first will start at 4 PM and the second at 7 PM to give families a greater opportunity to get the information at a time that works for them. The Zoom link is . You can contact Mr. Collie at to RSVP or if you have questions in advance, or you can just show up on the evening.
Community Service Hours are due to your counselor before April 1, 2022.
With concerns about supply chain issues that we are facing in WA it is important that you register for your cap & gown now if you haven’t already!
This does not mean you need to purchase your cap & gown right now, but you DO need to REGISTER for yours NOW to ensure that we have the correct number and sizes of gowns shipped to arrive in time for Graduation!
There is NO COST involved in registering for your graduation gown. You can purchase your cap & gown at a later date if needed!
Here is the link to register for your cap & gown:
The deadline to register is December 31st!
IF you are ready to purchase your cap & gown or other Class of 2022 graduation swag, here is the link to the ordering page for Renton High School:
Please note: The only item students are required to have for graduation is the Cap & Gown Unit with Stole. This can be purchased separately for $51.95 under the “Graduation a la carte” tab here:
HealthPoint’s hours are different during winter break. Please note the following changes:
Dec 14th: Closed
Dec 15th: Closed from 12pm-2:30pm
Dec 20th & 21st: 7am-2pm
Dec 22nd-28th: Closed
Dec 29th: Open 7am-2pm
Dec 30th & 31st Closed
Family and Student Update - November 16, 2021
November 16, 2021
Dear RHS Students,
October brought us so many celebrations! We had an amazing Homecoming event that was well attended and so much fun to be a part of. We also made it through PSAT and Fall SBA testing and even had to once again evacuate to the stadium. Through our many events – spontaneous or not – you have all handled yourselves in a way that truly represents Renton High School. Thank you!
Now that we are in November, here are some important things for you to know:
Important Dates and Schedules:
- Friday, November 19 is NOT a late arrival. School starts at 7:20.
- Wednesday, November 24 is an early dismissal day with the following bell schedule:
1st Bell 07:15
1st period 07:20 – 07:52
2nd period 07:57 – 08:29
3rd period 08:34 – 09:06
4th period 09:11 – 09:43
5th period 09:48 – 10:20
- Wednesday, December 1 and Thursday, December 2 are finals days. These dates are late arrival dates with the following bell schedules:
Wednesday, Dec. 1:
Advisory - 10 - 11:06
Lunch - 11:11 - 11:41
Period 1 - 11:46 - 12:52
Period 2 - 12:57 - 2:03
Thursday, Dec. 2:
Period 3 - 10 - 11:06
Lunch - 11:11 - 11:41
Period 4 - 11:46 - 12:52
Period 5 - 12:57 - 2:03
- Friday, December 3 is a non-school day.
Homework Help Center
Homework Help Center is back! It is in the Library, Mondays – Thursdays from 2:15 – 4 PM. Come by for academic support or just for a quiet place to work. is a free online tutoring site with access to tutors 24/7. It offers personalized, on-demand student support and covers over 60 subjects. 96% of students who use say it helps them complete their homework, improve their grades, and makes them feel more confident in their learning. To access, log onto Hello ID and find Canvas. Pick any Canvas course and find the link on the left.
Talkspace is free mental health therapy for RSD students. You just need to go to and enter your RSD email address. Once there, you will be able to choose your licensed mental health therapist and start talking! You get two 30-minute video sessions AND unlimited texting!
RedHawk Principal Advisory Committee (RPAC)
The RPAC is a diverse group of students recommended by a staff member or volunteered to join this committee. The RPAC meets once per month during lunch (lunch provided) and discusses matters that impact, support, and improve Renton High School for students and staff alike. The RPAC aims to capture and implement student voices into the school's shared decision–making model. The goal of the RPAC is for our culturally and socioeconomically diverse committee to mirror our student body, therefore reflecting our student body voice. RPAC members will provide valuable insight from a "student perspective" and gather information from peers to have additional student voices/perspectives. They will also represent RHS in all discussions they are invited to participate.
Tardy Policy
RedHawks need to be on time to every class, every day. Students who are tardy six or more times per week will be assigned to either 6th period or Friday Morning School. In addition, we will begin implementing Tardy Sweep soon. If students are caught in a tardy sweep, they will automatically be assigned 6th period. Let’s get there on time!
If you have not done so already, please be sure to complete the following surveys:
Student Needs Assessment:
College and Career Readiness:
International Baccalaureate
With its International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma Program, unique in the Renton school district, RHS provides students with access to college preparatory courses that are recognized throughout the world. For example, in Washington all state colleges and universities award credit for IB exams at Higher Level (HL) and Standard Level (SL) with a score of 4 or better. Here are some other recent developments in college admissions regarding IB that our students could take advantage of:
Iowa State University will consider International Baccalaureate students, who have completed English A and/or English B courses with a score of 5 or higher, to have met the minimum English proficiency requirement. In addition, Iowa State University awards credit for most HL examinations and some SL examinations. Students must receive a minimum score of 4 to qualify for academic credit in most subject areas.
Universidad Anáhuac Cancún has recently published a great recognition policy for International Baccalaureate students! It includes access to scholarships worth between 20 and 70 percent of tuition, credits for IB scores of 4 or higher, and completion of the university's English language requirement.
Kent State University: International Baccalaureate students can receive an exemption waiver for the English Proficiency requirement (TOEFL, IELTS) if they have earned a minimum score of 5 on the HL examinations (or 6 on the SL examinations). In addition, IB students are eligible for course credits for scores above or equal to 5 in both SL and HL. Please refer to their chart for further information.
Appalachian State University: Appalachian State University will award students with college credits for SL exams with scores above or equal to 5 and HL exams with scores above or equal to 4.
East Carolina University: East Carolina University offers credit for both SL and HL courses with a score of 4 and above.
University of Arizona (Tucson, AZ, USA) offers up to $5,000 a year to IB students with an IB diploma and a total of at least 24 points. This is for both Arizona and non-Arizona resident high school graduates who attend college for the first time immediately after high school graduation.
Senior Portrait Submissions
Parents, it is time for your seniors to submit their senior photos for the 2021-2022 yearbook! Traditionally, we have always requested and accepted individual senior portraits for the student section of the yearbook. Portraits for all seniors will be accepted until December 17, 2021. Portraits MUST be submitted through our image upload link (see below). Our image upload site is designed to verify name, grade level, and contact information so that we may reach out to your student, should there be an issue with their photo submission. Unfortunately, we will NOT accept email submissions for photos. PLEASE NOTE: If students do not submit an individual student photo for 2021-2022, their student ID photo will appear in the yearbook by default.
Submission Instructions/Deadlines:
All senior student portraits are due by December 17, 2021. Attached, you will find instructions for how to submit photos to our image upload website, as well as portrait guidelines and deadlines. Please feel free to contact LeeAnne Soule, yearbook advisor, with any questions you have regarding photo submissions.
We appreciate your willingness to help us gather content for our yearbook. Thank you!
Senior Photo Guidelines:
Please have your seniors follow these guidelines as they select their official portrait for the senior section in the yearbook.
- Photos should be of the student only. No other people should be in the photo.
- Clothing and jewelry must be in accordance with school dress code guidelines.
- No hand gestures or hand signs.
- No props (this includes animals, hats that create too much shadow on or cover the face, sunglasses, signs, etc.)
- No filters, textures, name stamping, embossing, logos, or date stamps.
- Photo must be portrait (vertical), not landscape (horizontal).
- Minimum image size: 640 X 800 pixels (2.133 x 2.667”) at 300 dpi. We will crop if necessary.
- Photos must be submitted DIGITALLY. Physical copies will not be accepted
- If your student chooses not to submit a senior photo, their official school ID photo will appear in the yearbook by default.
- If their photo does not meet all the above requirements, it will NOT be included in the yearbook.
- Your senior may also submit a SENIOR QUOTE along with their photo. If the quote is not in English, please provide the English translation so that it can be approved. We reserve the right to exclude anything distasteful, derogatory, offensive, or quotes that do not include translations.
How Your Senior Can Submit Their Senior Photos:
- Click the following link:
- Click “Choose Files”
- Select the photo they wish to upload – one file per person, please. Do not upload multiples.
- Provide your Contact Information & Image Information
- “Click Upload Chosen Images”
- They will receive confirmation email that their photo has been uploaded.
How Your Senior Can Submit Their Senior Quote:
Quotes must be 20 words or fewer and school appropriate. If the quote is taken from a movie/song/literature, please credit the original author. We reserve the right to omit their quote if it does not follow the guidelines. If you submit an unacceptable quote, you will be contacted to provide another quote.
- Your senior should Email their senior quote to:
- They should include in the email:
- Quote – up to 20 words MAX
- Credit Original Author of the quote
- Their first and last name
- They will receive a confirmation email when the yearbook staff has processed their quote into our database.
Still have questions? Your senior can go and see Mrs. Soule before/after school in Room 345
or email their questions to
Stay safe, RedHawks, and keep up the splendid work! It has been a great start to the school year, and we are looking forward to an amazing year with you.
Family and Student Update - October 22, 2021
October 22, 2021
Good Morning!
Parents, when we ran the Eligibility Report for grades last week from Skyward, our coaches said that some of the athletes complained because their teachers aren’t keeping their grades up to date, and that’s not fair. Ms. Trezza, our athletic assistant, put out an email earlier this week informing Head Coaches we are using Tracers this week. Prior to Covid we had so many issues with Tracers that we decided to simply run the Eligibility Grade Report on Fridays from Skyward, and then over the weekend work on determining eligibility for Monday morning. Whatever grade is in Skyward, was the grade used, with only a few exceptions.
However, so many teachers are currently struggling with keeping their grades up to date, this week, as we are going to run the Tracers. As previously stated, all information must be filled out in ink and signed by the teacher in ink. For those sports whose head coach or assistant coach is a Renton High staff member, we ask that the coaches collect them and deliver them to Ms. Trezza no later than 2pm on Friday. And actually, the sooner the better. For those sports who do not have an on site coach from the Renton High staff, (Swim and Volleyball,) please have your athletes deliver their tracers to the Athletic Office by 1:00pm on Friday. If Ms. Trezza is not in, slide it into the box that says grade checks, or slide it under Ms. Trezza’s door. Because we don’t want students to get caught up in the afterschool rush, having them deliver their grade checks to her by 1:00pm on Friday. This will ensure that they will be on her desk by the 2:00pm deadline. However, remember, students may turn in their tracers to Ms. Trezza early.
Regarding those students who are Running Start students either 100% or part time Running Start and part time Renton High Student, we have been asking students to send Ms. Trezza and me a screenshot of their Running Start grades on Thursday. This is a soft deadline. Again, we are asking for them to turn these in on Thursdays, so we have time to go through emails and find their screenshots. Screen shots must include a shot of student’s name, class and current grade or percentage. However, no emails will be accepted after 2:00pm on Friday. If they are also a part time Renton High Student, then they should take the tracer to their teachers and turn it into their coaches if they are on staff here or turn it in to Ms. Trezza’s office no later than 2:00PM Friday if their coach is not an on site staff. If a teacher is absent, then we will use whatever grade is in Skyward to determine eligibility.
From time to time our athletes have had problems with getting their grades from Talley High. Please text me early Friday morning if your athlete is having difficulty getting their grades from Talley, I will be happy to send Ron Mayhem, the Principal of Talley, an email requesting your athlete’s grades.
As this season winds down, I want our athletes to have a chance to play. That is why I am making every effort to try to make that happen. Reminder, right now, the only athletes that are turning in grade checks are those who are 5 weekers or who were ineligible due to their grade checks at the mid-trimester check for all athletes. These Tracer grades determine the eligibility of these students for next week.
Finally, as we move into post season play, the All Athlete Post Season grade checks will occur the week of 11/1/21 and will be run by the Skyward report on Friday 11/5/21 at 2PM (using current grades) with follow up tracers for those students who are ineligible from the Skyward Eligibility Report. Tracers are due to Ms. Trezza by 2pm. NO EXCEPTIONS. For those students who are absent, we will use the Eligibility Report from Skyward only.
If you have any questions, the best way to contact me is to text me at 425.204.3411. I may not get back to you immediately, but if you don’t hear from me by 6pm, ping me with another call, and I will do my best to answer you asap. I know that things are a little difficult right now. Let’s work together to support our scholar athletes through the end of the season.
Aleta Konkol, Assistant Principal/Athletic Director
Homecoming Week - October 12, 2021
October 11, 2021
Dear RHS Families, Students, & Staff:
There are many events taking place this upcoming week which, if time allows, your presence would be appreciated. I am pleased to welcome you all to our Virtual Parent-Teacher Conferences and another great homecoming celebration. This year, as always, we look forward to celebrating with our current students, families, and community members.
We cordially invite you to attend the Parent-Teacher Virtual Conference on October 14, 2021, to be held virtually. Conferences are an opportunity for you to learn about your child's academic, behavioral, and social well-being and clarify any related questions or concerns about their grades.
Parent-Teacher Conferences will start at 5:30 pm and end at 8:00 pm.
To join a Zoom, please visit and find your student's teacher(s), which are sorted by the last name. You will enter a waiting room, and teachers will select one meeting at a time. Please use your student's full name as your display name.
- Consultation time is limited to 5 minutes per teacher.
- We will offer interpreters for Spanish and Vietnamese, if needed.
If you cannot join our conferences, we have included a link for the teachers' email where you can contact any of your student's teachers. If one of our teachers cannot be present, they will provide a time when you can reach them.
Each year, our homecoming week is a time of excitement and activities for all our students that culminate with our annual Homecoming football game. This year we will face off against Sammamish High School on Friday, October 15 at 7 pm. Our week starts on Monday, October 11, where students have the chance to participate in daily dress-up days, lunch activities, and our annual capture of the crown game. This week, our dress-up days include Pajama Day on Monday, Star Day (dress like a celebrity) on Tuesday, Galaxy Day (wear purple, yellow, and blue) on Wednesday, Sports Day on Thursday, and our Class Colors on Friday. Our students all worked together in their advisory classrooms for royalty voting.
Our annual Homecoming football game is always an excellent chance to welcome our alumni and community members to help celebrate with our students. The kickoff for the game starts at 7:00 pm, followed by the half-time presentation. Our Half-Time performers have also been busy preparing for this time. This year, we have some fantastic guests joining our game: Blitz and Blue Thunder from the Seattle Seahawks! During the half-time presentation, our Homecoming Court will be recognized along with performances from our band and cheerleaders!
On Saturday, October 16, our Homecoming Early Evening Activity (Pandemic Accommodation) will be held at Renton High School in the Cafeteria and the Courtyard (weather permitted). This student activity will run from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Students must have pre-purchased tickets to attend the dance. As a reminder, students must adhere to the school dress code when attending school-sponsored activities and are not allowed to leave the activity and return.
We hope your student enjoys a week of fun and celebration as we embody our motto: "Pride, Tradition and Excellence" in every activity we host. I would also like to acknowledge all RHS personnel involved in the planning and implementing of Homecoming activities, especially our two dedicated ASB Coordinators: Ms. Heather Moore, ASB Office Specialist: Ms. Rado, Carlson, ASB Director and Assistant Principal: Ms. Jessica Buchan, and our Football Coach, Mr. Mark Cross, and his team for procuring the Seahawks performance. Additionally, I want to thank the dedicated community groups for always supporting RHS! We appreciate you and everything you do!
There are additional student assessments, activities, and events taking place during this week:
- Homecoming Game (Friday, October 15, evening event)
- Homecoming Dance (Saturday, October 16, evening event)
- SBA Alternate Testing (Wednesday, October 13)
- PSAT Testing (Wednesday, October 13)
- Science Testing (Wednesday, October 13)
- Discover U (Monday-Friday, October 11-16)
- Parent-Teacher Conferences (Thursday, October 14, evening event)
- IB Conference at RHS (Friday, October 15 and Saturday, October 16, weekend event)
I want to end this message by saying Happy Hispanic Heritage Month to all members of our community who share this heritage. Thirty-three percent of our student body shares this ethnicity. As a Peruvian-Italian myself, I appreciate the opportunity to have lived on both sides of the American Continent. This year, the RHS ASB and leadership classes are celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month. Within this sentiment, respectfully, I want to share that discovering and being aware of one's cultural identity is essential to knowing yourself, whether through your ethnic background, culture, language, foods you eat, the sports you play, or what institutions you attend. As an IB World School, our students need to define themselves by how we are the same and how we are different. But we also need to be proud of our differences. It is empowering for students to see that and to understand how diverse the world is. You do not need a Hispanic background to appreciate this culture. If you value the Spanish language and their culture, you are moving closer to understanding and validating the cultures of others. RHS looks forward to continuing to celebrate the heritage of all our families throughout the school year with the following Congress approved National Heritage Months:
2021-22 Diversity and Inclusion Calendar
September 15-October 15 is National Hispanic Heritage Month
October is National Italian American Heritage Month, Filipino American Heritage Month
November is Native American, American Indian, and Alaskan Native Heritage Month
December is Universal Human Rights Month
February is African American History Month
March is Women's Heritage Month, Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month, Greek American Heritage Month, Irish American Heritage Month.
April is Arab American Heritage Month, Scottish American Heritage Month, Earth Month, Autism Awareness Month and Celebrate Diversity Month
May is Asian and Pacific American Heritage Month, Jewish Heritage Month, and Older American Month, Mental Health Month
June is LGBTQIA & Pride Month
July is French American Heritage Month
We hope to see you all virtually for Parent-Teacher Conference night on Thursday, October 14th at 5:30pm – 8:00pm and look forward to having the whole family, parents/guardians, RHS Staff, and students in-person at the Renton Memorial Stadium on Friday, October 15, for our Homecoming football game.
Dr. Gia San Martin, RHS Principal
Family and Student Update - October 4, 2021
October 4, 2021
Dear RHS Students,
We have now been able to be in person for an entire month and it has been great! The transition back to in-person learning from a remote model can be challenging, but you have handled it well. Now that we have started the month of October, we have a lot going on. This is a busy month so please read the information provided here carefully.
The PSAT day is Wednesday, October 13. The time looks different for each grade level. 10th and 11th graders will be taking the PSAT in the gym and auxiliary gym. 9th graders will be taking the SBA in their advisory classes. 12th graders will be taking the WCAS in their advisory classes and participating in lessons regarding financial aid and college options, as well as hearing the presentation from National Achievers. The bell schedule will be as follows:
7:20 – 11:25 – Testing window
11:25 – 11:55 – Lunch
12:00 – 12:20 – Period 1
12:25 – 12:45 – Period 2
12:50 – 1:13 – Period 3 (with time for announcements)
1:18 – 1:38 – Period 4
1:43 – 2:03 – Period 5
11th graders will be taking the LA and Math sections of the SBA between October 19 – 26. There is no change in bell schedule for this, as most students can finish a section within one class period. Students will test for Language Arts during their Language Arts class and will test for Math during their Social Studies class. If you do not have a Language Arts or Social Studies class first trimester, you will get a scheduled time to test in a different environment.
RHS Talent Show is THIS THURSDAY at 6pm in the IPAC. Doors open at 5:30! It's FREE to attend with a suggested donation of $3 to support Drama Club in funding the Spring production of CLUE.
We are asking that you RESERVE your seats ahead of time this year because of COVID social-distancing guidelines. Please reserve your ticket on the RHS website (scroll down for "School News" section) and place yourself at least two seats apart from others. Families and households may sit together. You will be emailed your ticket(s).
Want to know who is performing?
Emcees: Meseret Hailemariam, Alicia Ruiz, Abigail Rank, Simone Guimaraes, Langston Gary
- Trishaunie Lewis - singing
- Meseret Hailemariamm - singing
- FSU/Tinikling
- Simone Guimaraes - singing
- Analisa Ruiz - violin
- ver May (Sprunger) - singing
- Abigaile Rank - Monologue
- Maya Belete - singing
- BSU ( Priscilla Hagan, Trishaunie Lewis, Daijana Perry, Makena Karuri, Akilaah Thornton)
Homecoming Week 10/11 - 10/15. There will be various activities/spirit days throughout the week, culminating in our Homecoming "Blue Friday Night Lights" Game against Sammamish HS. The Homecoming Student Activity will be Saturday, October 16, in our Courtyard. Stay tuned for more Homecoming information from Ms. Moore and our ASB students as we get closer.
On October 14, we will be hosting our first Parent-Teacher High School Conference of the school year. The conference will run from 5:30 pm to 8:00 pm. The meeting will be virtual.
This year Dr. San Martin is putting together a Student Principal Committee to listen and learn from our student population. If students are interested in joining, they should tell Ms. Buchan.
Parents, it is time for your seniors to submit their senior photos for the 2021-2022 yearbook! Traditionally, we have always requested and accepted individual senior portraits for the student section of the yearbook. Portraits for all seniors will be accepted until December 17, 2021. Portraits MUST be submitted through our image upload link (see below). Our image upload site is designed to verify name, grade level, and contact information so that we may reach out to your student, should there be an issue with their photo submission. Unfortunately, we will NOT accept email submissions for photos. PLEASE NOTE: If students do not submit an individual student photo for 2021-2022, their student ID photo will appear in the yearbook by default.
Submission Instructions/Deadlines:
All senior student portraits are due by December 17, 2021. Attached, you will find instructions for how to submit photos to our image upload website, as well as portrait guidelines and deadlines. Please feel free to contact LeeAnne Soule, yearbook advisor, with any questions you have regarding photo submissions.
We appreciate your willingness to help us gather content for our yearbook. Thank you!
Senior Photo Guidelines:
Please have your seniors follow these guidelines as they select their official portrait for the senior section in the yearbook.
- Photos should be of the student only. No other people should be in the photo.
- Clothing and jewelry must be in accordance with school dress code guidelines.
- No hand gestures or hand signs.
- No props (this includes animals, hats that create too much shadow on or cover the face, sunglasses, signs, etc.)
- No filters, textures, name stamping, embossing, logos, or date stamps.
- Photo must be portrait (vertical), not landscape (horizontal).
- Minimum image size: 640 X 800 pixels (2.133 x 2.667”) at 300 dpi. We will crop if necessary.
- Photos must be submitted DIGITALLY. Physical copies will not be accepted
- If your student chooses not to submit a senior photo, their official school ID photo will appear in the yearbook by default.
- If their photo does not meet all the above requirements, it will NOT be included in the yearbook.
- Your senior may also submit a SENIOR QUOTE along with their photo. If the quote is not in English, please provide the English translation so that it can be approved. We reserve the right to exclude anything distasteful, derogatory, offensive, or quotes that do not include translations.
How Your Senior Can Submit Their Senior Photos:
- Click the following link:
- Click “Choose Files”
- Select the photo they wish to upload – one file per person, please. Do not upload multiples.
- Provide your Contact Information & Image Information
- “Click Upload Chosen Images”
- They will receive confirmation email that their photo has been uploaded.
How Your Senior Can Submit Their Senior Quote:
Quotes must be 20 words or fewer and school appropriate. If the quote is taken from a movie/song/literature, please credit the original author. We reserve the right to omit their quote if it does not follow the guidelines. If you submit an unacceptable quote, you will be contacted to provide another quote.
- Your senior should Email their senior quote to:
- They should include in the email:
- Quote – up to 20 words MAX
- Credit Original Author of the quote
- Their first and last name
- They will receive a confirmation email when the yearbook staff has processed their quote into our database.
Still have questions? Your senior can go and see Mrs. Soule before/after school in Room 345
or email their questions to
Stay safe, RedHawks, and keep up the splendid work! It has been a great start to the school year, and we are looking forward to an amazing year with you.
Family and Student Update - September 20, 2021
Monday, September 20, 2021
Dear RHS Families:
It has been such a great start to the school year! We truly have enjoyed seeing your students back in school in person. They have been doing a wonderful job of following our new safety protocols while still actively participating in class, clubs, and athletics.
Student Handbook
This past week we reviewed the RHS Student Handbook with your students. You can access the handbook here or visit our website. You also have access to the PowerPoint that we reviewed together here. Some reminders for your students from the presentation included:
Safety protocols: Parents, please remind your students to keep masking up and maintaining social distancing even during passing time, lunch time, and before and after school.
Electronics: Students are not to be using personal electronics during class time unless a teacher specifically asks them to do so.
Lunch: Reminder: This year, the state of WA has mandated that all lunches are free to all students. Your student may qualify for free/reduced meals!
As a result of lost or reduced hours at work due to the pandemic, many families may now qualify for free/reduced meals. All families are encouraged to complete the application. Why? Because if your family qualifies, your student may receive a reduction or waiver of ASB Card or Athletic Fees as well as reductions for SAT and ACT tests and college applications. We’ve created an online fillable form, so families do not need to print and return the form:
- Find the application on the district’s website
- Find the application in your Family Access account
- Families who fill out the form in Skyward can simply submit it online. Those who access the form on this website must print, sign, and email the form to
Off-Campus Lunch: Permission forms to leave campus for lunch are located next to the ASB (Associated Student Body) window in the Commons. Once this is completed, parent/guardian must sign the permission form. Next, the permission form is sent to be approved by the administration. Students will receive a sticker for their ID card allowing them to leave campus for lunch. We have reminded students that they represent Renton High School even off-campus, so we have asked them to behave accordingly and, of course, be safe by continuing to follow all safety protocols and to use crosswalks.
Dress Code: Students are expected to come to school well-groomed, neatly, and appropriately dressed. Examples of unacceptable dress include clothing that references the use of profanity, sex, drugs, alcohol, etc.; skirts and shorts shorter than finger-tip length; midriff-type apparel; visible undergarments.
Tardies: It is important that your students are on time for class. Students who accumulate tardies will receive school-based discipline.
Attendance Pledge: Regular attendance at school is important to your student’s success. We have asked your student to turn in an attendance pledge to Ms. Roberson in the Main Office.
Attendance: If your student will be absent from any classes during the day, please call Ms. Roberson at 425.204.3410 and let her know if your student will be out the entire day or if just for certain periods. While calling is preferred, you may also email Ms. Roberson at: We realize it is difficult to resume some of the pre-Covid practices, however, it is absolutely imperative that you excuse absences for your students because in some cases, teachers will only allow make up work for EXCUSED ABSENCES.
Not tolerated: As in the past, harassment, intimidation, bullying, fighting, drugs, and weapons are never acceptable on campus, at school-sanctioned events, or via social media. Let us work together to create a safe school environment.
COVID-19 Safety Updates
If you are experiencing any COVID symptoms (listed below), please stay home. You may return when:
- you get a negative COVID test and are feeling better
- OR with a note from your health care provider
- OR 10 days (about one and a half weeks) after the start of illness.
If you were in close contact with someone with COVID, call the school, attendance office, to determine when you can return. This flow chart from King County Public Health can help.
We will ask for a negative COVID-19 test result from students who:
- Were sent home from the clinic because of COVID-19 symptoms
- Had a family member call and report that the student had COVID symptoms
COVID Symptoms
- fever (100.4 F /38 C or higher)
- congestion or runny nose
- cough
- fatigue
- headache
- loss of taste or smell
- chills
- shortness of breath or difficulty breathing
- muscle pain or body aches
- sore throat
- nausea or vomiting, diarrhea
Clubs and Athletics
It is not too late for your student to get involved in clubs and athletics. See Ms. Carlson at the ASB window in the Commons for more information about clubs or Ms. Trezza in the Athletic Office with questions about sports. Come support your RedHawk athletes! You can find the fall sports schedule here.
RedHawk Home Games for week of 20 September – 24 September
- Tuesday (9/21): Volleyball (Renton Gym) @ 7PM
- Thursday (9/23): Swim and Dive (Hazen Pool) @ 3PM
- Girls’ Soccer (Renton Stadium) @ 7PM
- Volleyball (Renton Gym) @ 7PM
- Friday (9/24): Football (Renton Stadium) @ 7PM
Tickets for Athletic Events: Want to get your tickets early so you don’t have to stand in a long line and wait to get your ticket at the Renton Memorial Stadium. We now offer a way for you to purchase your tickets in advance (24 hours before the game.) VisitL: In the top right hand corner, you can click on “Tickets.”
Fundraiser Support Alert!
- Wednesday Sept. 22nd 5-9pm Renton Girls’ Soccer will be having a Red Robin (yummmm) fundraiser at The Landing
- Stop by, order some food, tell them you want to support Renton Girls’ Soccer and a portion of your meal cost will go to the team
- Have questions about this fundraiser, email Coach Swanson at:
Live Telecasts of some of our RHS Sports: Can’t make it to see a home game in the gym or Renton Memorial Stadium? Want to get to an away game but can’t? Sign up to watch live telecasts at for about $10.99 a month or an annual pass of $69 which will allow you to watch all 3 seasons of sports.
Parents, please remind your students to charge their Chromebooks at night and to bring their chargers to school. Chromebooks are used in every class for a variety of activities from research to quizzes. Students who are new to RSD may pick up their Chromebooks and charger by making an appointment with Brandon Gochanour to get a Chromebook checked out. His email contact is Device Protective Plans and hotspots are also available. If your student is having any issues with their Chromebook, please contact Mr. Gochanour at his email address.
ORCA Passes:
This year ALL Renton High School Students can get a FREE ORCA Card! This card can be used for unlimited trips on public transit in the Puget Sound region including King County Metro Bus, Sound Transit Express Bus, Link light rail, etc. The pass is good Sept. 1, 2021 – Aug. 31, 2022! Please be sure your student picks up their card in the Main Office if they haven’t already.
Immunization Requirements:
Where Can I Get My Student Vaccinated? Still need to get your student immunized or vaccinated?
- HealthPoint Area clinics (Call first)
- Your doctor’s office (Call to make an appointment)
You can find additional health related information, forms, and resources on the Renton School District website - Health Services web link:
Feel free to contact our RHS Nurse Dillard either by email or voicemail regarding immunizations, medications that we need to have on hand, etc. She continues to check both daily. Celeste Dillard, BSN, RN Office: (425) 204–3402
Canvas Observer Account:
Families, just a reminder, you can still sign up for an Observer Account that is connected to your student’s Canvas page. As Canvas is our Learning Management System at RHS which instruction and learning will continue to utilize, click on this link to learn how to set up your account today:
Graduation Requirements:
At the time of this letter, Class of 22 Seniors will be required to complete 26 credits to graduate. Please visit our Renton High School web page on graduation for the most up to date information.
Want to contact your student’s counselor? Do not hesitate to email or call them with any questions.
Crystal Wetzel (Dept. Chair) Last names A-Ga 10th – 12th
Timothy White Last names Ge-O 10th – 12th
Krsto Budech Last names P-Z 10th – 12th
Blaise Pike Last names A-Z All 9th Graders
From Our College and Career Center:
Ms. Kynze Rogers is our new College & Career Specialist. She is here to support your students and you in any way she can. This includes everything from learning more about apprenticeships, 2 and 4 year colleges/universities, the military, job search, scholarships, volunteerism, students earning credit while they work, life goals, and more! Please reach out to her regarding any questions you have or if you’d just like to get to know her. Please be on the lookout for messages from her throughout the year concerning events and opportunities. Here is her contact information: Email: Desk phone: 425 – 204 – 3524; Google Voice # (text or call, Monday-Friday, 7:30 am – 5 pm): 831 – 508 – 8664
To schedule an appointment with Ms. Rogers, please follow this link:
Here is information regarding our upcoming event, The Money Maze. All high school families and students are invited to attend the district’s Money Maze presentation LIVE VIA ZOOM Wednesday, September 29, 2021 from 6pm-8pm. Money Maze is a presentation designed to address the major issues students and parents face as they pursue all the types of merit and need based financial aid programs. Students and families can learn about: Cost & Value of College, Types of Financial Aid, FAFSA/WASFA, and Private Scholarships. For attending the workshop each family will receive a FREE copy of, “The Money Maze - Finding Money for College," a workbook that matches the PowerPoint presentation, as well as other valuable college planning resources. There is no cost to attend the "Money Maze" presentation, however, registration is required. Follow one easy step:
Please note: Real-time interpreters will be available to connect with you in the following languages: Spanish, Vietnamese, Ukraine, and Chinese. Breakout rooms for each language will also be available as needed.
Senior Portrait Submissions
Parents, it is time for your seniors to submit their senior photos for the 2021-2022 yearbook! Traditionally, we have always requested and accepted individual senior portraits for the student section of the yearbook. Portraits for all seniors will be accepted until December 17, 2021. Portraits MUST be submitted through our image upload link (see below). Our image upload site is designed to verify name, grade level, and contact information so that we may reach out to your student, should there be an issue with their photo submission. Unfortunately, we will NOT accept email submissions for photos. PLEASE NOTE: If students do not submit an individual student photo for 2021-2022, their student ID photo will appear in the yearbook by default.
Submission Instructions/Deadlines:
All senior student portraits are due by December 17, 2021. Below are instructions for how to submit photos to our image upload website, as well as portrait guidelines and deadlines. Please feel free to contact LeeAnne Soule, yearbook advisor, with any questions you have regarding photo submissions. We appreciate your willingness to help us gather content for our yearbook. Thank you!
Senior Photo Guidelines:
Please have your seniors follow these guidelines as they select their official portrait for the senior section in the yearbook.
- Photos should be of the student only. No other people should be in the photo.
- Clothing and jewelry must be in accordance with school dress code guidelines.
- No hand gestures or hand signs.
- No props (this includes animals, hats that create too much shadow on or cover the face, sunglasses, signs, etc.)
- No filters, textures, name stamping, embossing, logos, or date stamps.
- Photo must be portrait (vertical), not landscape (horizontal).
- Minimum image size: 640 X 800 pixels (2.133 x 2.667”) at 300 dpi. We will crop if necessary.
- Photos must be submitted DIGITALLY. Physical copies will not be accepted
- If your student chooses not to submit a senior photo, their official school ID photo will appear in the yearbook by default.
- If their photo does not meet all the above requirements, it will NOT be included in the yearbook.
- Your senior may also submit a SENIOR QUOTE along with their photo. If the quote is not in English, please provide the English translation so that it can be approved. We reserve the right to exclude anything distasteful, derogatory, offensive, or quotes that do not include translations.
How Your Senior Can Submit Their Senior Photos:
- Click the following link:
- Click “Choose Files”
- Select the photo they wish to upload – one file per person, please. Do not upload multiples.
- Provide your Contact Information & Image Information
- “Click Upload Chosen Images”
- They will receive confirmation email that their photo has been uploaded.
How Your Senior Can Submit Their Senior Quote:
Quotes must be 20 words or fewer and school appropriate. If the quote is taken from a movie/song/literature, please credit the original author. We reserve the right to omit their quote if it does not follow the guidelines. If you submit an unacceptable quote, you will be contacted to provide another quote.
- Your senior should Email their senior quote to:
- They should include in the email:
- Quote – up to 20 words MAX
- Credit Original Author of the quote
- Their first and last name
- They will receive a confirmation email when the yearbook staff has processed their quote into our database.
- Still have questions? Your senior can go and see Mrs. Soule before/after school in Room 345 or email their questions to
Encourage your students, our RedHawks, to keep up the splendid work! It has been a great start to the school year, and we are looking forward to an amazing year working with our families.
Family and Student Update - August 22, 2021
August 12, 2021
Dear RHS Families:
We are excited to welcome you to the 2021-2022 school year as a Renton High School Redhawk! We are working towards a safe school opening and implementing best practices to mitigate the risks associated with the Coronavirus new variants. We appreciate your support as we work with students in person to practice safety protocols such as wearing a mask, keeping one's distance as much as possible, and washing one’s hands. Stay connected and informed by following our district and the Renton High School Website for important updates and information regarding all aspects of our school.
The message of "Graduation on time with choices" continues to guide our mission to provide a rigorous yet joyful school environment. Whether we are learning in person or have to return to remote learning, our primary goal remains to encourage active student engagement to foster lifelong learning. As we are
returning to in-person learning, I am sure that you have many questions. This letter addresses some main points of information as we approach the first day of school.
COVID-19 Updates:
Renton School District continues to work with local and state health officials and are constantly monitoring our county COVID infection rate, which is the main metric by which we determine when it safe to return to school. Please regularly check the COVID Updates on RSD website.
Additionally, also check the district’s Reopening Plan for 2021-2022 to stay on top of updates by clicking on the following link: Plans for the 2021-2022 schoolyear
This school year Renton School District is offering all K-12 students full day, in-person instruction at all schools. Students will attend 5 days per week, and schools will return to normal hours. All transportation will resume. The first day of school is Wednesday, Sept 1, 2021.
Students benefit from in-person learning, and safely returning to in-person instruction on Sept. 1, 2021 is a priority. We are implementing layered prevention strategies to keep everyone healthy, especially those not yet able to receive a COVID-19 vaccine. 
Our layered safety measures align to Washington State Department of Health (DOH) (K-12 Covid 19 Requirements for 21-22 School Year) and Washington Governor Jay Inslee's recent directives and guidelines. Federal and state health officials remind us that getting the COVID-19 vaccine can protect you and your students from getting sick and helps prevent severe COVID-related illness, hospitalizations, and death. School preventative measures for the coming school year include:
- Face Coverings/Masks (in school and on school buses)
- Physical Distancing
- Improved ventilation
- Cleaning & Disinfecting
- Handwashing and Respiratory Etiquette
- Staying home when sick
- Vaccination
- Testing
- Responding to COVID-19 Cases
Recently, Governor Inslee mandated a state requirement for COVID vaccines of all school district employees but not of students. However, daily attestations and temperature checks are no longer required.
School Times
Classes will return to their regular pre-Covid times. The day will begin at 7:20am and will end at 2:03pm.
Redhawks Day
Redhawks Day (previously called Tribes Day) is Monday, August 23, 2021. To best serve you and maintain distancing, please arrive at the time indicated for your grade level and last name below. On this day, you will be able to:
- Take your picture for your ID and yearbook 
- Purchase an ASB card
- Pay your Athletic Fees
- Turn in your required immunization records to attend school
- Receive a free ORCA card
- Purchase a yearbook 
- Turn in paperwork to Athletics for Physicals
- Gather forms and information 
- Pick up a 2020-2021 yearbook if you ordered one  
- Sign up for HealthPoint
- Get paperwork for Free and Reduced Lunches
- Get your questions answered 
Please attend only during your scheduled time on August 23, 2021
Grade |
Last Name |
Times |
11 & 12 |
A – G |
8:00 AM – 8:45 AM |
11 & 12 |
H – 0 |
8:45 AM – 9:30 AM |
11 & 12 |
P – Z |
9:30 AM – 10:15 AM |
10 |
A – G |
10:15 AM – 11:00 AM |
10 |
H – O |
11:00 AM – 11:45 AM |
10 |
P – Z |
11:45 AM – 12:30 PM (All stations will close for a 30-minute lunch 12:30 – 1:00 |
9 |
A – G |
1:00 PM – 1:45 PM |
9 |
H – O |
1:45 PM – 2:30 PM |
9 |
P - Z |
2:30 PM – 3:15 PM |
At the time of this writing, Transportation shared with us that they will be emailing information to families for buses on or before August 25. However, we are including a number for transportation in case you don’t hear from them: 425.204.4442.
Students who are returning to Renton School District should bring their charged Chromebook on the first day of school, September 1. Students who are new to RSD may pick up their Chromebooks and charger on August 23 or make an appointment with Brandon Gochanour to get a Chromebook checked out. His email contact is Device Protective Plans and hotspots are also available.
ORCA Passes:
Exciting news! This year we can provide ALL Renton High School Students with an ORCA Pass! This pass can be used for unlimited trips on public transit in the Puget Sound region including King County Metro Bus, Sound Transit Express Bus, Link light rail, etc. The pass is good Sept. 1, 2021 – Aug. 31, 2022!
New Immunization Requirements: Did you know that the State of Washington Public Schools now requires immunizations before a child may attend school. As of August 1, 2020, per Chapter 246-105 of the Washington Administrative Code (WAC), Washington State now requires medically verified immunization records for school and child-care entry. That means that if we do not have your child’s immunization records on file or if their immunizations have not been completed, YOUR CHILD WILL NOT BE ABLE TO START SCHOOL UNTIL THEY HAVE GOTTEN THEIR REQUIRED IMMUNIZATIONS and turned in the necessary records to the school nurse.
Immediate Action: Access and verify your family’s immunization information and Certificate of Immunization form through the Department of Health website MyIR. You will need to set up an account to access the information. You can also call or email DOH office or 1-866-397-0337. Call your family doctor to assist with immunization updates to WAIIS.
Where Can I Get My Student Vaccinated?
- HealthPoint Area clinics (Call first)
- Your doctor’s office (Call to make an appointment)
You can find additional health related information, forms, and resources on the Renton School District website - Health Services web link:
Feel free to contact our RHS Nurse Dillard either by email or voicemail regarding immunizations, medications that we need to have on hand, etc. She checks both daily either when she is in office or working remotely. Celeste Dillard, BSN, RN Office: (425) 204–3402
Our school nurse is a certificated school district employee. She has many roles to meet the needs of students and staff: a skilled clinician, advocate, health counselor, health educator and liaison between community and school. She provides or supervises the delivery of daily nursing care and case management during school hours. We believe a healthy student is more likely to be attentive in learning.
Canvas Observer Account:
Families, if you didn’t know, you can set up an Observer Account that is connected to your student’s Canvas page. As Canvas is our Learning Management System at RHS which instruction and learning will continue to utilize, click on this link to learn how to set up your account today:
Graduation Requirements:
At the time of this letter, Class of 22 Seniors will be required to complete 26 credits to graduate. Please visit our Renton High School web page on graduation for the most up to date information.
Please check below for which counselor is yours during the 2021-2022 school year. Do not hesitate to email or call them with any questions. Schedules should be available on Skyward by the end of August.
Crystal Wetzel (Dept. Chair)
Last names A-Ga
10th – 12th
Last names Ge-O
10th – 12th
Last names P-Z
10th – 12th
Last names A-Z
All 9th Grade
SEL – Social and Emotional Learning:
RSD is continuing to follow OSPI’s lead on schools including SEL in their curriculum. Social and emotional learning (SEL) is the process through which children and adults understand and manage emotions, set and achieve positive goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain positive relationships, and make responsible decisions Feel free to check OSPI’s site on frequently asked questions regarding SEL to learn more.
School Meals
The District will continue to provide free breakfasts/lunch meals to all students, regardless of whether they qualified for the federal free/reduced meal program. HOWEVER, it is EXCEEDINGLY IMPORTANT for you and your family to fill out the free and reduced lunch form because if you qualify, it can enable great discounts on ASB cards, Athletic Fees, SAT/ACT test fees etc.
Your student may qualify for free/reduced meals
As a result of lost or reduced hours at work due to the pandemic, many families may now qualify for free/reduced meals. All families are encouraged to complete the application. We’ve created an online fillable form, so families do not need to print and return the form:
- Find the application on the district’s website
- Find the application in your Family Access account
- Families who fill out the form in Skyward can simply submit it online. Those who access the form on this website must print, sign, and email the form to
Still need school supplies? Geico is teaming up with our Communities in Schools for a Back-To-School Block Party on August 29 from 2pm – 5pm at Liberty Park in Renton (1101 Bronson Way N.) There will be backpacks, school supplies, shoes, haircuts, Covid 19 vaccinations and more - all FREE)
GEAR UP (Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs), funded by the U.S. Department of Education, is a national college readiness program designed to increase the number of students who are prepared to enter and succeed in post-secondary education. The grant hopes to continue to deepen its efforts with school districts and community organizations to make college a reality for more middle and high school students in the state. Learn more here:
One of the very exciting service being funded through GEAR UP is AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination). All staff are participating in ongoing professional development to utilize the best teaching practices of AVID which will also prepare all learners to access and succeed in our rigorous IB program.
RHS HealthPoint Teen Clinic:
Did you know that HealthPoint operates a medical clinic right here at RHS! They provide both medical and mental health services to students at little or no cost. They are open year-round, including during summer and school closures. While some of their services still need to take place in the clinic (like immunizations and vaccines), they also provide some of their care virtually—through telephone and video visits. If you would like to schedule a visit or learn more about their services, call them at 425-424-6310 or visit their website:
Athletics Update: 2021-2022 School Year Sports Seasons:
Fall Sports Registration is in full swing for: Football, Girls Soccer, Boys Tennis, Girls Volleyball, Cross Country, Girls Swim and Dive. While football practice started last week, practices for all other sports will begin Monday. Have questions about a particular sport? Please email the following coaches if you have a question:
Soccer (Girls):
Tennis (Boys):
Volleyball (Girls):
Cross Country:
Girls Swim and Dive:
Contact Ms. Trezza if you have any athletic questions:
Athletic Registration/Clearance
Parent/Athlete Step-by-Step Athletic Registration Instructions:
- Go to
- To create a new account, click "Sign Up" (top right corner of page or go to your existing account).
- Click “Sign up as a Family or Individual.”
- Complete the registration questions, then click the “I agree” statement and click "Sign Up".
- Once your registration is completed you will receive an email confirmation from
- Then, you will Log into Renton’s FamilyID webpage ( and select Fall 2021 Athletic Registration.
- Complete the FamilyID online registration and click the “Save & Continue” button.
- Review the Registration Details and click “Confirm Registration.”
- Review and click “I Agree-Confirm My Registration.”
- You can upload a physical right onto the account so that it is ready for the actual season.
- Payment required to participate in sports ASB card = $30 and Sports fee = $75. If you qualify for Free and Reduced lunches (a new form must be filled out each year), discounts will be applied to both.
If you are unable to pay these fees, and THIS IS THE ONLY THING PREVENTING YOU FROM PARTICIPATING IN YOUR SPORT, you can still participate if you make arrangements with Ms. Carlson in the ASB office. Her hours are from 8am –2:00pm. She can assist you in either setting up a payment plan or determining whether your family should fill out the attached 21 -22 Free and Reduced Lunch Form which may qualify you for a reduced rate.
- If a Free or Reduced Lunch form is required, it must be returned to the ASB Office within 7 days.
- Your family may also choose to fill out the Free and Reduced Lunch form on line:
- As long as you have met and made arrangements with Ms. Carlson, you can proceed with clearing and participating in sports.
- You must come into RHS to get your final Clearance Form signed off by both Ms. Carlson in the ASB Office and Ms. Trezza in the Athletics Office to be eligible to participate in managing or practicing in any sport.
Please continue to check the Renton School District website for the latest updates regarding sports:
While in the RHS building – Everyone, including visitors, must appropriately wear a cloth face mask when in the building. Please try to maintain six feet of distance between yourself and others as much as possible.
Communication Via Text:
Families can opt in to receiving text messaging from RHS as we communicate using School Messenger.
NOTE: Families must ensure they’ve listed their cell phone number in Skyward in the section marked “Phone 2” (This is where School Messenger pulls the phone number to send a text message and it must be marked as a cell).
Sign-up for text messages
Families can sign-up to receive text messages from RHS. From your cell phone or device, text "Y" to the number 68453. You'll get a confirmation text message. Respond with Y for Yes, and you're signed up for text messages. (Charges may apply depending on your phone/device text message plan.)
Please do not hesitate to submit a question if you have any on our Contact Us page:
We are looking forward to seeing your children on the first day of school!
The RHS Admin. Team:
Dr. Gia San Martin – Principal
Jessica Buchan – Assistant Principal supporting 9th and 10th grade
Aleta Konkol – Assistant Principal supporting 11th and 12th grade and Athletic Director