Academic Excellence
IB Program
Renton High School is an IB World School and is proud to offer International Baccalaureate classes to all students in 11th and 12th Grades. This two-year, rigorous college and career preparation program is highly regarded around the world and is looked on favorably by college admissions officers across the United States and internationally. Research shows that students who take IB classes have higher retention rates in college, better grades, and are more likely to complete a 4-year degree on-time than students who have not taken IB classes. Many colleges additionally give advanced standing and credits for students who earn the prestigious IB Diploma and IB single subject certificates.
Juniors and Seniors can take IB classes in Language Arts, Spanish, 4 Social Studies subjects, 3 Sciences, Mathematics, and Art. To earn the IB Diploma, students take 6 IB classes, a unique Theory of Knowledge class, complete a 4,000-word research paper, and engage in Creativity, Physical Activity, and Service Projects. IB classes are open to all students and require a written commitment form signed by students and parents. We recommend that students who are considering attempting the full Diploma Program take Honors classes in the 9th and 10th grades. IB single subject certificates and the IB Diploma are awarded in addition to a Renton High School Diploma.
More information about IB can be found at or from Renton High School’s IB Coordinator, Malcolm Collie.
Grading and Honor Roll
Grade Reporting
Course grades are reported to students and their parents/guardians on an ongoing basis through our online system, Skyward. Using these password-protected online tools, students and their families may access grades in any current class 24 hours per day, 7 days a week. In addition, course grades are reported to parent/guardian in accordance with the Renton School District’s grade reporting calendar.
Course syllabi are an important resource in understanding grades for each individual class, department, and teacher. Grades are both used as a measurement of student progress and as a feedback tool for teaching and learning.
Grade Distribution
Our grade distribution system is based on the State Standardized Transcript. The standardized transcript shall be based on a marking/grading system that reports the marks/grades earned by students in courses as follows:
Letter Grade | GPA | % |
A | 4.0 | 93 - 100 |
A- | 3.7 | 90 - 92.99 |
B+ | 3.3 | 87 - 89.99 |
B | 3.0 | 83 - 86.99 |
B- | 2.7 | 80 - 82.99 |
C+ | 2.3 | 77 - 79.99 |
C | 2.0 | 73 - 76.99 |
C- | 1.7 | 70 - 72.99 |
D+ | 1.3 | 67 - 69.99 |
D | 1.0 | 60 - 66.99 |
F | 0.0 | 0 - 59.99 |
Honor Roll
To be eligible to be on the honor roll for a given trimester, a student must be enrolled in a minimum of 4 classes with an earned GPA of 3.200 or above.
Late Work Policy
The Renton High School late work policy determines that classwork assigned by a teacher that is not completed within the expected timeframe or an assignment that is not turned in on a due date set by a teacher is late. Late work policies will be communicated to students in individual classrooms. At minimum, late work can be submitted before the end of the unit with a reduction in grade/score not to exceed 50% by the date of submission. Late work will not be accepted after the completion of the unit. Make up or retake opportunity will not be provided for such late work.
Academic Honesty
Renton High School’s academic honesty expectation is that students will exhibit mature, responsible, and honest characteristics, and will not cheat, copy, plagiarize, or falsify documents. Furthermore, staff and/or students will not condone or assist these behaviors. Academic dishonesty discredits the mission of Renton High School and endangers the academic career of the student(s) involved. Academically honest Renton High School students complete his/her own work, seek help from teachers, parents other students and friends (after school tutoring, peer tutoring, Homework Help Center, King County Library system, study groups, etc.), acknowledge sources of direct quotations (cite the source), acknowledge information taken from books, print material, interviews, internet, etc., and know what constitutes cheating and abides by the rules, bring the effort of others who cheat to the attention of school officials, and follow all exam rules.
Academic Dishonesty Defined
Renton High School defines academic dishonesty as contravening procedures protecting the integrity of a given assignment, project, examination or evaluation. Academic dishonesty reflects poorly on the academic integrity of Renton High School. The administration and staff consider it a serious offense. If a student is unsure about what would be considered “cheating” or “plagiarism” it is the responsibility of the student to seek clarification from teachers, staff, peers and parents.
Academic dishonesty or cheating includes but is not limited to: submitting unoriginal material as your own. Working on or completing an assignment project, examination or evaluation for another student, use of unauthorized devices, tools, or information to work on or complete an assignment, project, examination, test, or evaluation, falsifying information on an assignment, project, examination, or evaluation, working with others without permission on an assignment, project, examination or evaluation.
Plagiarism occurs when using any source appearing to directly or indirectly influence a student’s work without properly identifying it such as, use of words or images of others without quotation marks or proper acknowledgement, using or submitting previously submitted work by themselves or another student.
Collusion is the act of helping or allowing another student to be academically dishonest. This could include but is not limited to allowing a student to copy your work, telling a student what was on an exam, and letting another student turning in your work as their own.
Consequences for Academic Dishonesty
- 1st offense in any class: The student will initially receive a zero for the given assignment, project, examination or evaluation. The student will have the option to receive a tutorial on academic honesty and then re-do the assignment within a calendar week in the presence of a teacher for partial credit up to 70%. The student will also receive a Wednesday School detention. If the student does not choose to pursue this remediation, the score for the assignment will remain a zero.
- 2nd offense in any class: The student will receive a zero for the given assignment, project, examination, or evaluation. The student will also receive a Wednesday School detention.
- 3rd offense: If a student commits a third offense of academic dishonesty, he or she will receive up to a failing trimester grade for the class and may result in disciplinary actions.
Academic Support
Renton High School aims to support all students in their academic growth and future goals. It is encouraged that students have a designated time at home each day to complete assigned homework. Families can access grades and other important information through the link for the Skyward Family Access on the RHS landing page.
Students have access to after school support. Homework Help Center starts at the beginning of October and includes after school tutoring and study support every Tuesday and Thursday in the RHS library until 4PM. Students can voluntarily attend HHC or teachers can assign it. Students must be working on academics to stay in HHC. Students can also access computer for help in their tech classes on Monday and Thursday until 4PM. Students may also be assigned to our “Stay on Track” and “Back on Track” academic support programs. These programs run during Advisory and on some Saturdays to support students in completing missing assignments in core classes. Students are notified when they have been assigned.